Probably the dumbest article you'll ever read
Six Movies that are just ok. maybe worth renting
5 exciting new trends in pleated pants
- You're fired
A lot of click bait is really just “bait and switch.”
A click on one story opens another page with many more…. where you get distracted searching for the first one…Every page has ads that get in the way of finding the next page..and half the phony news and silly factoids have already been part of other, similar stories.“8 Movie Stars You’d Have Never Guessed Have Killed Someone” …. (I just made that up but it’s probably out there.)Likely you’ll find that one was accused of hit and run driving in 1957, and one page tells an old rumor about an actor from the silent era.. The other five “Stars” are people you’ve never heard of.
And four are in another article about actors who are “bad people.”Page 8 is just an ad.How do I know all this?I…uh… well… I….somebody…um… told me?
A lot of click bait is really just “bait and switch.”
A click on one story opens another page with many more…. where you get distracted searching for the first one…Every page has ads that get in the way of finding the next page..and half the phony news and silly factoids have already been part of other, similar stories.“8 Movie Stars You’d Have Never Guessed Have Killed Someone” …. (I just made that up but it’s probably out there.)Likely you’ll find that one was accused of hit and run driving in 1957, and one page tells an old rumor about an actor from the silent era.. The other five “Stars” are people you’ve never heard of.
And four are in another article about actors who are “bad people.”Page 8 is just an ad.How do I know all this?I…uh… well… I….somebody…um… told me?