Now there’s a Queen of a different stripe…
more power to you, Honey…. I mean, Your Majesty….
Not many Queens would dare to bee left stingers, I’d think…
Maybe that’s different from bee-ing left wingers, though.
I don’t think she can do that, cos right-wing bees and left-wing bees fly in different circles altogether,
and the Queen Bee has to maintain unity, no matter what her own politics might bee.
Dan Thompson
Now there’s a Queen of a different stripe…
more power to you, Honey…. I mean, Your Majesty….
Not many Queens would dare to bee left stingers, I’d think…
Maybe that’s different from bee-ing left wingers, though.
I don’t think she can do that, cos right-wing bees and left-wing bees fly in different circles altogether,
and the Queen Bee has to maintain unity, no matter what her own politics might bee.