From “The Prisoner.”..No. 6: You have elections here?No. 2: Of course. This is a democratic society. Are you going to run?No. 6: Like blazes – the first chance I get.
Since this became political…it’s fascinating that Romney said that 47% are sucking off the government teat (in so many words) and that was the exact number of voters who were firmly for President Obama. Coincidence?
Kali39 about 12 years ago
From “The Prisoner.”..No. 6: You have elections here?No. 2: Of course. This is a democratic society. Are you going to run?No. 6: Like blazes – the first chance I get.
mrbribery about 12 years ago
in space, no one can hear you IIIIEEEE!
margueritem about 12 years ago
That Dirk, he’s everywhere!
Constantinepaleologos about 12 years ago
Methinks that was a Wilhelm.
Lyons Group, Inc. about 12 years ago
Do they hang?
Rakkav about 12 years ago
Maybe a good, rousing “DON’T PANIC!” is what everybody needs today. Or not.
Digital Frog about 12 years ago
In space, no one can hear you vote…
Buggerlugs about 12 years ago
The line is really short at that polling place.
Vlad Taltos about 12 years ago
More effective than a billy club!
TheGoodFaery about 12 years ago
Since this became political…it’s fascinating that Romney said that 47% are sucking off the government teat (in so many words) and that was the exact number of voters who were firmly for President Obama. Coincidence?
Coyoty Premium Member about 12 years ago
This is no joke: Romney’s family owns the voting machines supplied to the swing states, through holding companies held by Bain Capital. Coincidence?
Oops, Snopes has debunked that. Never mind.
Andrew Capp about 12 years ago