I suggest that New Horizons change direction for Ceres, land, and claim it for the “New Republic of Planetary Explorers” (New Rope). Then, Rope annexes Pluto and changes its designation back to “planet” under Rope’s constitutional definition of what planets are (anything that the Rope Empire explores).
Ida No over 9 years ago
I suggest that New Horizons change direction for Ceres, land, and claim it for the “New Republic of Planetary Explorers” (New Rope). Then, Rope annexes Pluto and changes its designation back to “planet” under Rope’s constitutional definition of what planets are (anything that the Rope Empire explores).
Bilan over 9 years ago
If I was New Horizons, I’d be more concerned about that one-way ticket.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 9 years ago
How cold is it? It’s so cold…
pschearer Premium Member over 9 years ago
How the Robot vs. Humans Wars began?
Daniel Quilp over 9 years ago
You are correct. The adjective “dwarf” merely distinguishes it from other types of planets.