Good job, Broom-Hilda! Whenever I hear about someone saying they want to pinch a baby’s checks, I would say “What is wrong with kissing them?! How would you like it if I sank my nails into YOUR checks?!” Never like that and would not do it and would stop someone from doing that.
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
The Main thing that Broomie’s good at!
margueritem about 11 years ago
Good for you, Broomie.
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Ooh! I see Broomie’s cute little behind in the splash-panel and…errr…. Nevermind. How ya feelin’, Gaylord?
Laynegg about 11 years ago
I second that Susan Newman! Mr. Myers please oh PLEASE do a flashback of Broomie’s childhood! PLEASE!
cybergal29 about 11 years ago
Good job, Broom-Hilda! Whenever I hear about someone saying they want to pinch a baby’s checks, I would say “What is wrong with kissing them?! How would you like it if I sank my nails into YOUR checks?!” Never like that and would not do it and would stop someone from doing that.
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
Cybergal29 meant to say cheeks, instead of checks. A typographical error. No political commentary is needed.