Reminds me of the horizontal ladder fitness training and testing while I was in the Army. I forget how many rungs there were, but we had to hang from the first rung and hand over hand it to the next rung, touching each rung, reaching the end, turning around and repeating until we either fell off or time ran out. The whole time with a Drill Sergeant, um, encouraging you at the top of his voice while keeping score…fun times
allen@home about 2 years ago
Broomie to the rescue.
Asharah about 2 years ago
She’s a good Auntie
cubswin2016 about 2 years ago
“Up, up, and away!” is Superman’s line.
yip yip yip about 2 years ago
Broomie has a soft spot in her heart for Nerwin and will always be his Super Hero. Yip yip yip yip yip
jagedlo about 2 years ago
Don’t thank her until you’re on the ground safely, Nerwin…
Zebrastripes about 2 years ago
Awwww! Boomy saves the day!! ❤️
So cute! ☺️
mckeonfuneralhomebx about 2 years ago
That was my problem in kindergarten.. but I was on the top.
Just-me about 2 years ago
Reminds me of the horizontal ladder fitness training and testing while I was in the Army. I forget how many rungs there were, but we had to hang from the first rung and hand over hand it to the next rung, touching each rung, reaching the end, turning around and repeating until we either fell off or time ran out. The whole time with a Drill Sergeant, um, encouraging you at the top of his voice while keeping score…fun times
EnlilEnkiEa about 2 years ago
Moments later she hits a tree, he lands back on the monkey bars.
karmakat01 about 2 years ago
and, for once, she didn’t bang herself into an obstacle either.
cuzinron47 about 2 years ago
And responding the fun way.
tinstar about 2 years ago
There’s nothing like being swept away.
Sisyphos about 2 years ago
When she’s awake and motivated, Broomie is capable of some pretty fine and impressive broom-flying! Nerwin is lucky….