I was once pranked, sort of like this (a good one, too!)
I had just gotten a Casio Wristwatch that had as one of its functions a Universal TV Remote. I was showing it off at a Family Get-Together, but my presses weren’t working right. Turns out one of the teenagers there was messing with me with the actual remote. A good time was had by all, including me! ☺
dadthedawg Premium Member 12 months ago
I get a click out of you…..
iggyman 12 months ago
Paul you are lucky, my dog chewed up the TV remote when he was a puppy, the result was we had to get a new remote the next day!
cmerb 12 months ago
He is priceless in this cartoon for sure ; )
ChessPirate 12 months ago
I was once pranked, sort of like this (a good one, too!)
I had just gotten a Casio Wristwatch that had as one of its functions a Universal TV Remote. I was showing it off at a Family Get-Together, but my presses weren’t working right. Turns out one of the teenagers there was messing with me with the actual remote. A good time was had by all, including me! ☺
CaveCat87 12 months ago
How did Buckles manage to get a hold of the remote without Paul or Jill knowing?