Buckles is not the family dog, he ís family. As the only child of Paul and Jill, his innocence and insecurity leads his way as he discovers the world around him.

Paul wants a man's dog, unfortunately he's got Buckles. He may seem harsh at times, but his caring goes deeper than his shallow actions.

Jill is the motherly type who's kind and patient. She's always there to help Buckles along his way while babying him to her heartís content.

Arden is Buckles' back yard friend. He's not much of an accomplished bird. He over sleeps, doesn't sing well, and has trouble catching the early worm, but he's always there for his friend.

Christina is Jill's five year old niece who loves Buckles. She loves to play with her furry friend, and usually dresses him to fit the part!

Flea is Buckles trustworthy unseen conscious who is not only his confident but also his live-on roomie.

Crippled from hip dysplasia, Lester never lets his disability hold him down. His positive attitude lifts him up and down any road of life.

Rusty is a street dog. Buckles looks up to him and his freedom off the leash. His accent and wild stories leave a lot to be trusted, but that's how he survives in the back alley.

Scrappy is a rude, obnoxious freeloader who live in the trees of Buckles backyard. He's a pain in the neck to everyone around him, and Scrappy knows it and loves it.

Buckles may be frightened of the mailman, but he's ready to attack this smaller trespasser! Fortunately for the young carrier, he packs a powerful throwing arm with keen aim!