Buni by Ryan Pagelow for February 02, 2022

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    stairsteppublishing  about 3 years ago

    To each his own.

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    Doug K  about 3 years ago

    Better than a box of candies.

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    Teto85 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Nature is all about predation. Eat or be eaten.

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    gopher gofer  about 3 years ago

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    Thomas R. Williams  about 3 years ago

    Great circle of life, don’cha know. Don Marquis wrote an archy the cockroach vers libre poem about a worm being assimilated by a robin after having been ingested by the bird: “a robin said to anangleworm as he ate himi am sorry but a birdhas to live somehow theworm being slow witted couldnot gather hisdissent into a wise crackand retort he waseffectually swallowedbefore he could turna phraseby the time he had reflected long enoughto say but why must abird livehe felt the beginnings of a gradual changeinvading himsome new and disintegrating influencewas stealing along himfrom his positiveto his negative poleand he did not have the mental staminaof a jonah to resist theinsidiousprocess of assimilationwhich comes like a thiefin the nightdemons and fishhookshe exclaimedi am losing my personalidentity as a wormmy individualityis melting away from meodds craw i am becomingpart and parcel ofthis bloody robinso help me i am thinkinglike a robin and notlike a worm anylonger yes yes i evenfind myself agreeingthat a robin must livei still do notunderstand with my mentalitywhy a robin must liveand yet i swoon into a condition of beliefyes yes by heck that ismy dogma and i shout it arobin must liveamen said a beetle who hadpreceded him into the interior that is the way ifeel myself is it notwonderful when one arrives at the placewhere he can give up hisambitions and resignedlynay even with gladnessrecognize that it is a farfar better thing to be merged harmoniouslyin the cosmic alland this comfortable situationin his midstso affected the marauding robin that he perchedupon a blooming twigand sang until theblossoms shook with ecstacyhe sangi have a good digestionand there is a god after allwhich i was wicked enough to doubtyesterday when it rainedbreakfast breakfasti am full of breakfastand they are at breakfastin heaventhey breakfast in heavenall s well with the world….”

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