Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for June 15, 1986
Calvin: We should make Dad a Father's Day card. Hobbes: Okay, I'll draw a picture of him on it. Calvin: Hmm..make his mouth bigger. He usually looks angrier than that.. Good morning, Dad! Happy Father's Day! Dad: Mmf, godmrg. Calvin: In appreciation of your service as Dad, today I am living according to the principles of your fatherly wisdom. Dad: Calvin, what time is...five in the morning?! Calvin: Yes, "Early to bed, early to rise", you always say...I was going to buy you a nice present, but "A penny saved is a penny earned." As you I'm now earning 6% on the money I didn't spend. Yes, Dad, thanks to you, I'm a happier, better person. Mom: Good work, Socrates. Dad: I knew we'd made a mistake the minute, I saw that little bologna loaf in the hospital bassinet.
By the time you realized your mistake, they are usually well on the way to having mistakes of their own…