Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 20, 1992
Calvin: Don't make me go to school! Please don't make me! Help! Leggo! Ow! Stop! You don't understand! My horoscope says I'm irresistible to girls today! I'm too popular! I'm going to get big dividends! Augghhh! What if Susie kisses me?! I don't want romance! I hate Susie! Call me in sick! Help! Mom: Dear, I got him! Grab his feet while I pry his fingers loose! CAlvin: Puh-leeze!! Dad: I wonder what it would cost to rent a place in town.
One of my favorite strips honestly. Calvin’s mom (which is her full name apparently, thanks Bill) displaying one of two expressions she ever possesses in the entire series, Calvin’s Dad (also official name) clearly regretting ever getting involved with romance, and Calvin acting like a 6-year-old only for his parent(s) to snap at him and then expect him to not act like a 6-year-old when they could have easily explained why his behavior is wrong.Oh, and can’t forget Leggo. Calvin’s catchphrase.