Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for September 06, 2012

  1. Chris88
    chireef  over 12 years ago

    this does ring of Ayn Rands philosophy

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    rogue53  over 12 years ago

    Perhaps a lot of Social Security recipients will feel like panel 3 applies when it stops, after they paid in for 50 years.

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    King_Shark  over 12 years ago

    “Condition a child to be kind toward others and they tend to be that the rest of their life. Allow a kid to remain in irresponsibility, or even condition a kid to be irresponsible and the end result is what you get in much of my age group.”Wow. I actually agree with something you said. Incredible.

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    Phapada  over 12 years ago

    hello….everyone…i miss you all

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  5. Cutiger
    rentier  over 12 years ago

    It’s good to end “me decade”!

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  6. Snapshot10
    battle of plattsburgh  over 12 years ago

    Truly “entitled”.

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  7. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago

    No, Calvin. I believe it’s already the Al Franken decade and he’s not willing to give it up.

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    38lowell  over 12 years ago

    When does the Calvin Decade start?

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    cowboybob2  over 12 years ago

    The rest become Republicans.

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  10. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  over 12 years ago

    Naturally, politics is written all over this…or rather just human nature.

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    Ensoh  over 12 years ago

    Don’t worry, Calvin: Your parents will have the opportunity to recapture your dream in November.

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  12. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago

    So, we are all either Shmoos or Scrooges? That is a very sad commentary on humans

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    ikeohum  over 12 years ago

    While so many people obviously somehow want to use the sagacity of Waterson to beat up on the GOP, it is worth noting that conservatives are much more likely to donate to charity than their counterparts. So get off your self-righteous soap box.

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  14. Samvadi fb
    in.amongst  over 12 years ago

    Calvin Decade(nce) – looks like he intends to have a (Calvin) ball!

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    SZonian  over 12 years ago

    The “me decade” never ended, it’s venue/purpose just changes from time to time. Today, the “me decade” is reflected in the OWS (bowel) movement.

    And to all you political sycophants who just can’t help injecting your petulant and peurile “envy”, stick it. You are of the class who believes that just because you fog a mirror, you are “entitled” to something. If that isn’t a “me decade” kind of idealogy, then I guess I don’t know what is.

    The only thing you’re entitled to do is to get off the “dope” of bread (EBT) and circuses (American Idol, etc.) and contribute by working or becoming productive members of society in some fashion.

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    BigNate+CalvinandHobbes=:)  over 12 years ago

    nice calvin

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    daveoverpar  over 12 years ago

    No what you mean from the other side is “Hey ihe has something so let’s go take it from him, by force if necessary and give it to my friends since I already have mine and they can’t have any of mine.”

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    rogue53  over 12 years ago

    What a comic strip. All the comments are hilarious. Now THIS is what I come here for. Thanks.

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    Puddleglum2  over 12 years ago

    Hobbes makes more sense than the other Tiger comic.If it isn’t a real magic lamp, it can’t grant your wish “that it IS a real magic lamp”!

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    Shoelace  over 12 years ago

    Lots of unattributed ‘everybody knows’ kinds of comments. E.g., conservatives are more charitable…or the one I always find refreshing and original…‘taking from those who have labored’…goes right back to pre-union/slavery/4-5% unemployment as a goal. Reminds me of the sort of attitude that leaves baby girls on a hillside after birth. But we’re not like that. Are we?

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  21. Felixthecat
    Auntie Socialist  over 12 years ago

    Unbridled greed, conspicuous consumption of wealth and the get-ahead-by-any-means credo dodn’t disappear; they simply migrated to Government and Public-Sector Unions, where they’re safer.

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  22. 03 head in universe
    Vonne Anton  over 12 years ago

    Greed and selfishness runs almost everything now….if the world ran on charity and love, there would be a lot more happiness and a lot less pain.

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  23. Jude
    tcolkett  over 12 years ago

    This plays to my understanding of growing up. Ayn Rand had an appeal to young people, before they become true adults and learn the value of social cooperation and working together. Today’s Tea Party people resemble Calvin all too closely, and, if you’ve ever really looked into what happens in countries ruled by the Taliban, you will notice a great similarity there as well. If 10 year old boys ran the world, had real power, we would be in deep doo-doo! We’re all in this together, let’s act like it!

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    Number Three  over 12 years ago

    I love his face in the 3rd Panel.


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    eskimo quinn  over 12 years ago

    Just in time for the party conventions….

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    mineresidents  over 12 years ago

    Join the Young Republicans – but leave Hobbes at home.

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  27. Old joe
    ratlum  over 12 years ago

    I think the greed decade is back.

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  28. Imgres
    calvinsfriend110  over 12 years ago

    Calvin The Great’s decade!

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  29. Cutiger
    rentier  over 12 years ago

    With the exception of Hobbes, of course!

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  30. Cernunnosherne
    Mitchtheone  over 12 years ago

    Actually Calvin the greed and yeah for me and screw you was right around the corner.

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    Gretchen's Mom  over 12 years ago

    No matter who wins or loses . . . I’ll sure be glad when the November elections are OVER!!!!!!!!!!

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    johnweythek  over 12 years ago


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    joe vignone  over 12 years ago

    Who knew Calvin would grow up to become Mittens?

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    khpage  over 12 years ago

    Any ad agency worth its salt would hire you in a flash, Calvin….

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    rogue53  over 12 years ago

    If you came here looking for humor, and all you see is political posturing and name calling, I would suggest you go over to Non Sequitor, but leave the politics here.

    It certainly would be nice if there was at least ONE place left where you could get away from the Dem vs Rep garbage. Not even here is safe though. I’m sure there are plenty of blogs where politics is intended to be the subject matter. Please take it there.

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    DM fan  over 12 years ago

    The Calvin Decade started 1985-1995.

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    nancytrum  over 12 years ago

    united we stand, divided we fall.

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    Black_Knight999  over 12 years ago

    I agree on the Ayn Rand comment! Absolutely!

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