Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for February 12, 2010
Saleswoman: TA DA! The new volume options for lips! Do you want perky lips? Poufy lips? Pillowy lips? Pouty lips? Cathy: I have more important things to do than think about the size of my lips! Saleswoman: Don't we know it! TA DA! The new TIME options! Do you want 8-hour plumping? 10-hour plumping? 16-hour plumping?
BFF! I left you a new message on yesterday’s Cathy. Kaytebb too.
I don’t understand the need to look like you got punched in the mouth, so I have nothing to say today. God gave me good lips. If I crack a joke here about injections or plumping goop, the thin lipped people will explain endlessly why I am an insensitive lip racist.