Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for October 27, 2013

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    ncalifgirl58  over 11 years ago

    Oh what a viscious cycle neurosis is……Happy Sunday all.

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    rgcviper  over 11 years ago

    Priorities, priorities …

    HI, MOM. Happy Sunday, “Cathy” Clan.

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    Gretchen's Mom  over 11 years ago

    I can really identify with Cathy today. This is how I put on so much weight when I worked for the “Senseless” Bureau a few years back. I went in to that palce weighing 117 lbs. and left 3 years later weighing 141 lbs.! Nothing but bored, mindless snacking while working at multiple desk-jobs for the government . . . not to mention all the lunches in, lunches out, birthday and holiday celebrations, etc., that contributed to my weight gain [and I wasn’t the only one there with that problem either!]. Now to some people, 24 lbs. might not sound like all that much weight [especially for that length of time], but for someone only 5 foot, 2-1/2 inches tall that had been thin all her life, that was a really HUGE deal for me and my weight has been going up and down like a yo-yo ever since. I’m currently hovering between 117 and 118 lbs. on the scale these days and am pretty pleased about it. I’m back in my size-6 jeans again and feel healthier now than I have in years. Unfortunately, with the holidays coming up just around the corner, it’s highly doubtful I’ll still be able to say this exact same thing come January 1st! And if that happens, I’ll just go back on my Slim-Fast diet until I can say that again!!!!! ;-)


    Hi, rgcviper!


    lightenup: Missing you, sis! Hope your mom is doing better and that we “see” you back here with us again soon!


    Looks like yet another quiet day here on “Cathy’s Corner”. Everyone must be having a really busy weekend. Hope it’s been a really great one for you all!!!!!

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  4. Cathy aack Premium Member over 11 years ago

    So sorry lightenup. I too know how it feels when a lot more could have been done to save a parent, but somebody dropped the ball. In my father’s case, it was a doctor who failed to diagnose cancer until 5 weeks before death. The good news is that sooooo much can be done to rehab folks who have had strokes today, that your Mom, whom I assume is still relatively young, will probably regain most of her abilities. It also sounds like as soon as the rehab was started, she responded really well. Don’t give up hope!!! (((((Huggs))))).

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