Cathy: I'll quit simplifying my life if you'll quit complicating it!!! 1983: 36 gifts to buy. 1 mall to look in. 1993: 12 gifts to buy. 4 malls and 53 catalogs to look in. 2003: 5 gifts to buy. 8 malls, 210 catalogs and 97,000 online sites to look in.
I rarely ever go to the mall but when I do, there’s only one nearby, and that’s in the next town over so I don’t have Cathy’s problem in that regard. As for catalogs, I don’t get those either. The only brick-and-mortar stores I really shop at on a regular basis are Walmart and Target. If I can’t find what I’m searching for there (or at the mall) when it comes to gift-giving time, then I look to eBay and to help me out with whatever I need. It doesn’t have to be anywhere near as complicated as Cathy’s making it out to be (thank goodness!).
kittycatpawsare: Happy Birthday!!!!!
rgcviper, Thats Dr. K.FG!!, and ORMouseworks: Thank you so much for the nice birthday greetings yesterday after I stopped by. It was a good day and I really appreciate all the kind words. Thank you so much for your very nice well-wishes yesterday, too. Happy (belated) 91st birthday to your beloved mother in Heaven!!!!!
Hello and Happy Tuesday, fellow “Cathy” fans. Hope everyone had a really nice day today.