Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for June 19, 2016
Cathy: We need you, son! People: We need you, Bill! Mom: I need you, dear! I need you, dad! Dad: To be called "dad." Cathy: You're the greatest. When President Roosevelt needed someone to help save the world, he called dad. When the office needed someone to save the account, they called dad. When mom needed someone to save the day, she called dad. When I needed someone to save me from monsters, bugs and bullies, I called dad. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for all sizes of miracles, all sorts of people have called dad....and yet, if you ask this humble hero to name his proudest accomplishment, he always says the same simple thing:
QuietStorm27 over 8 years ago
Awwwwww! Hello Cathy clan and Happy Father’s Day to the great dads out there!
Gretchen's Mom over 8 years ago
This is my 15th Father’s Day without my dad. Love and miss him more than words can possibly say! Hope he’s having a great day today.
For all the birth fathers, adoptive fathers, stepfathers, foster fathers, grandfathers and all those other caring men who mentor children and step in as father figures for those with absent dads who wouldn’t otherwise have a positive male role model in their lives without you . . .
And for all the women out there who serve as both mom ANDdad to their kids . . .
erin.adamic Premium Member over 8 years ago
I can’t try to compete with the tribute above. All I can say is that this comic warms my heart. Cathy Guisewite, here’s to you.
lightenup Premium Member over 8 years ago
Very sweet!! A nice break from the house hunting saga. .Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there and a special shout out to the ones in heaven! ❤️