while i appreciate the passive aggressive message Enzo is sending here, it is his fault for even bringing it up. NEVER EVER try to assemble a piece of furniture with a second person. Maybe have them on stand-by if you need them to hold something or get a flat head if you have phillips, but that’s it. Personally, i need folks to stay out of my 10 foot zone of frustration or things will spiral.
BubbleTape Premium Member almost 7 years ago
while i appreciate the passive aggressive message Enzo is sending here, it is his fault for even bringing it up. NEVER EVER try to assemble a piece of furniture with a second person. Maybe have them on stand-by if you need them to hold something or get a flat head if you have phillips, but that’s it. Personally, i need folks to stay out of my 10 foot zone of frustration or things will spiral.