Happy, per your comment yesterday over at Cleo & Company.“I missed something”you intercepted a conversation , the subject of which you were not privy to.You would have had to move fast to get that one. an inadvertent posting of a naughty cartoon video was in there for a short time in the morning before it was pulled. they were talking the aftermath of that when you came along.I can understand the confusion, ever since one of us was banned for a mildly ‘naughty’ word, everybody is careful about what is offensive and what isn’t …..the ground rule seems to be , we are not adults; we are children and if we occasionally talk like an adult, we are considered a bad influence on others and are banned from comments.(even for using a word that rhymes with crass, which itself is a good description of censors.)it’s a double standard….I have seen comics themselves get away with what a commenter could never get away with.
Happy, per your comment yesterday over at Cleo & Company.“I missed something”you intercepted a conversation , the subject of which you were not privy to.You would have had to move fast to get that one. an inadvertent posting of a naughty cartoon video was in there for a short time in the morning before it was pulled. they were talking the aftermath of that when you came along.I can understand the confusion, ever since one of us was banned for a mildly ‘naughty’ word, everybody is careful about what is offensive and what isn’t …..the ground rule seems to be , we are not adults; we are children and if we occasionally talk like an adult, we are considered a bad influence on others and are banned from comments.(even for using a word that rhymes with crass, which itself is a good description of censors.)it’s a double standard….I have seen comics themselves get away with what a commenter could never get away with.