Cleats by Bill Hinds for July 04, 2013

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    bmacp  over 11 years ago

    Basketball was not invented in the USofA try Canada

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    Mihir Asher  over 11 years ago

    Um, the term “Soccer” was penned by a professor in Oxford. It is short for “Association Football”

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    no1scouse  over 11 years ago

    Baseball is such a boring game! That’s why people have to drink, to make it interesting!

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    cbrsarah  over 11 years ago

    Baseball for me!! It may be boring to some but I don’t relish the idea of sitting in freezing weather to watch football. Thank goodness there’s no football team in my city.

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    Dragon0131  over 11 years ago

    Baseball is derived from cricket.Footballi is derived from rugby.soccar came from Europe.Basketball was invented in Cambridge, Ma by a Canadian. Therefore basketball is the only true (North) American sport.

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    hippogriff  over 11 years ago

    Most people don’t know that Canada’s national sport is lacrosse, not hockey. Soccer is not a widely used term, most call it football because it is played with the feet. Riots break out in the stands in soccer, but among the players in hockey. Baseball evolved from rounders, not cricket. Lacrosse originated with tribes on both sides of the St. Lawrence, and there is a variant called stickball played by southeast woodland tribes using two sticks (crosiers?). Both soccer and stickball have been played with the goals in different villages, sometimes with a mountain in between.

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