Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for October 09, 2012
October 08, 2012
October 10, 2012
Beni: I enjoy watching your dad get out of his car. Alice: Once he got it stuck on his foot and walked around like that for an hour tip my mom told him.
When I rode in a ’40’s Crosley, the first teeny car with which I was familiar, i thought I was in Mom’s round yellowish washing machine with attached wringer. To see a washing machine like hers, Google round washing machine with wringer rollers and click on the photo on the right, four entries down. Mom got an arm caught in the rollers once. That smarted.
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
I knew the Otterloops were clowns.
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Quotes from Mr. Otterloop: Why is everybody always pickin’ on me?
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
I hope it gets good gas mileage.
celeconecca over 12 years ago
this is how it feels to get out of my car
peabodyboy over 12 years ago
Where the clowns? There should be clowns.
einarbt7 over 12 years ago
Yoga dad?
ossiningaling over 12 years ago
That’s a clown question, bro.
PoodleGroomer over 12 years ago
I wish there were more small cars. like the old Honda CVCC, BMW Isbetta, or Bantam 60 Roadster.
tbarbay over 12 years ago
It’s like watching my husband getting out (or in) of my Camaro.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago
Alice, aren’t you exaggerating just a “wee” little bit there?
calvinsfriend110 over 12 years ago
Did he have clown shoes?
harebell over 12 years ago
PoodleGroomer, get (a) Fit.
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
I’m 6’6" and owned a Subaru Justy. Looked like a circus clown in that thing. Especially when my brother, whose even bigger, was with me.
K M over 12 years ago
“Smart” car. (OK, I know Smart is the make of car; but on this side of the pond, except in certain limited circumstances, it’s none too smart.)
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
When I rode in a ’40’s Crosley, the first teeny car with which I was familiar, i thought I was in Mom’s round yellowish washing machine with attached wringer. To see a washing machine like hers, Google round washing machine with wringer rollers and click on the photo on the right, four entries down. Mom got an arm caught in the rollers once. That smarted.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
i want one…