Donations no doubt. Check anybodys mailbox this time of year and email if your spam filter is too low….
I’d rather donate than be taxed. I donated to ACORN April 15
Lewreader thanks for helping the organization ACORN on April 15th, apparently we all are helping them cheat the government and work with poor prostitutes. Yay Us!
JerryGorton about 15 years ago
Donations no doubt. Check anybodys mailbox this time of year and email if your spam filter is too low….
lewisbower about 15 years ago
I’d rather donate than be taxed. I donated to ACORN April 15
cynof3 about 15 years ago
Lewreader thanks for helping the organization ACORN on April 15th, apparently we all are helping them cheat the government and work with poor prostitutes. Yay Us!