Ginger Meggs by Jason Chatfield for January 19, 2010

  1. Palms too
    pearlandpeach  almost 15 years ago

    go read DeFlocked.

    bare camping.

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  2. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  almost 15 years ago

    My idea of roughing it is no dishwasher

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  3. Foxhound1
    bald  almost 15 years ago

    i remember going camping a few years ago and the people a couple of lots over from us drove in with this 35’ RV with a satellite dish and a propane stove on it,

    now that’s roughing it

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  4. Love triumphs
    Donna Haag  almost 15 years ago

    I’m with Fitzzy on this one. Roughing it is slow room service.

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