Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for October 03, 2012

  1. 1tau lljsaaef kfpea5vpgadia  .medium
    Michelle Morris  over 12 years ago

    Watching Carol Burnett on Leno NOW! The just showed the Dentist sketch!

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  2. Goofy   max
    oddball1972  over 12 years ago

    I bet the dentist is a “jerk”

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  3. Boris badenov
    bbadenov  over 12 years ago

    Maybe this is “Being hit on the head lessons”?http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=monty+python+argument+clinic&mid=5A86B8B9D7810EBAF0CD5A86B8B9D7810EBAF0CD&view=detail&FORM=VIRE1

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  4. Pizza
    Elysian3005  over 12 years ago

    Oh, wow, today of all days, when I’m actually going to the dentist! How appropriate, hahaha!

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  5. Me as santa
    lcdrlar  over 12 years ago

    Not talking about those who paid, but those who didn’t and work the system. I worked and paid, while Congress raided my pensions, SSI, and Medicare to pay for their “pork” and life-time benefits (for 1 term in office). That money was supposed to be in a trust, now it’s part of the National Debt.

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  6. Missing large
    veronica01  over 12 years ago

    Get me out of here,now!

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    2252895  over 12 years ago


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    comicnut4636  over 12 years ago

    Is this national Dentist Day ? Mutt and Jeff also have a dentist today.

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    stewartava  over 12 years ago

    Poor Ziggy is just falling apart the last couple weeks. He seems to be at the Dr./now dentist, daily.

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  10. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  over 12 years ago

    When a comic is political I purposely avoid the comments. It makes me sick when some people make everything political.

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  11. Conquer kitty
    richardkel  over 12 years ago

    I don’t claim to be a huge Steve Martin fan either, however he did have a couple of great roles. Your reference to one of the “wild and crazy guys”’ in the old SNL skits he did is one. I just loved the show over all. It was a true classic. His role in “Little Shop of Horrors” was not the main reason I enjoy the movie. It is just a small part. The movie stands on its own merit. Two of the best movies he ever made, at least in my mind, were “All of Me” with Lilly Tomlin and “Roxanne” with Darryl Hannah.

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  12. Cookie close
    Saucy1121 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Ugh, I spent part of today at the dentist having a cracked filling replaced. Next up is a crown on that tooth. I’m trying to postpone that until after the first of the year.

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  13. One moses
    DrMoses  over 12 years ago

    I know how that feels Ziggy. I just had a challenging root canal done today and another one is scheduled for next week. Not only was that a discomfort, paying for it was another ouch out of my pocket!

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