Aunt Fritzi: Isn't this a nice picnic spot, kids?
Sluggo: No.
Nancy: It's awful.
Aunt Fritzi: ?
Sluggo: Can't we eat at the park instead?
Nancy: This view makes me lose my appetite.
Do kids hate private schools or home schools this much? If public schooling is so benevolent, then why this? It’s a valid question. The adults puke at the taxes they pay for it too, so isn’t time to re-evaluate the ‘benefits’ of public schooling?
Hope your view wherever you are is a beauty. Thanks everyone. Don’t forget to visit, ok? Check out the blog, the products and causes. We’re building it day by day.
Buzza Wuzza over 12 years ago
Here come the “I dig the view just fine” jokes.
linsonl over 12 years ago
Fritzy Ritz sure has big…..eyes.
Max Starman Jones over 12 years ago
I thought for a moment I had found a “L’il Abner” comic.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Lucky stump
Phosphoros over 12 years ago
Do kids hate private schools or home schools this much? If public schooling is so benevolent, then why this? It’s a valid question. The adults puke at the taxes they pay for it too, so isn’t time to re-evaluate the ‘benefits’ of public schooling?
darkman12 over 12 years ago
got that right
alleyoops Premium Member over 12 years ago
Who wouldn’t want to picnic with Fritzi!!!
dodgeedwardusa over 12 years ago
Sluggo is looking at the wrong view.
Skywatcher68 over 12 years ago
I’ve seen this strip before; wasn’t in color then, though.
GuyGilchrist over 12 years ago
Hope your view wherever you are is a beauty. Thanks everyone. Don’t forget to visit, ok? Check out the blog, the products and causes. We’re building it day by day.
iced tea over 12 years ago
At least you kids are OUTSIDE of the school.
billwilliam20 over 12 years ago
Hey Guy do you have a site yet?