Our elections are now as colorful as Mexico's beloved board game! Republican Edition El Mitt Romney La Ann Romney El One Percent El Paul Ryan El Fox News La Cuca Juego de Voteria Cuco: It's like bingo, gringo!
mitt & obama are both losers — mitt says he’s pro-business but in actuality he’s anti-free market — obama says he wants to create jobs but his keynesian policies are just like what mitt will do & thus will keep killing jobs — it’s only when the economy collapses that the citizenry will start to see that keynesianism has been a disaster — right niow, though, the so-called experts who run things still think that the only way of curing the ills that result from keynesianism is to have even more keynesianism
Ever wonder why individuals who have come to the USA from Mexico or other Latin American countries say they love their ancestral home, but will fight tooth and nail to prevent being deported back??
gladlythecrosseyedbear over 12 years ago
mitt & obama are both losers — mitt says he’s pro-business but in actuality he’s anti-free market — obama says he wants to create jobs but his keynesian policies are just like what mitt will do & thus will keep killing jobs — it’s only when the economy collapses that the citizenry will start to see that keynesianism has been a disaster — right niow, though, the so-called experts who run things still think that the only way of curing the ills that result from keynesianism is to have even more keynesianism
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 12 years ago
Ever wonder why individuals who have come to the USA from Mexico or other Latin American countries say they love their ancestral home, but will fight tooth and nail to prevent being deported back??
dazed1949 over 12 years ago
Dead Dog, you’re right on point!!
mimsy18 over 12 years ago
This is hilarious. Too bad loteria doesn’t have a vampire card for Paul Ryan.