Jeez, don’t you just hate it when you’re halfway out the door and the boring host/lecturer. etc. calls you back for some more blah-blah BS?C’mon chief pumpkinhead give the “kid” the crown and let us move on to a true action/adventure story~! :)> Umgowa~!The Jackels were smart to eat and run, as they say…………!
quartermain over 12 years ago
More talk—Katman will love this!
riverhawk over 12 years ago
Let us feast… Kill the fatted dog
profkatz over 12 years ago
Jeez, don’t you just hate it when you’re halfway out the door and the boring host/lecturer. etc. calls you back for some more blah-blah BS?C’mon chief pumpkinhead give the “kid” the crown and let us move on to a true action/adventure story~! :)> Umgowa~!The Jackels were smart to eat and run, as they say…………!
profkatz over 12 years ago
That smart pooch looks like she’s about to pee on padre Joe’s robes…….good girl! :)> Umgowa!!
hablano over 12 years ago
We shall talk of many things… Tea and tax and sealing wax.