The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for October 27, 2012

  1. 170
    finale  over 12 years ago

    …and saves water by not rinsing them out.

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  over 12 years ago

    But does she wash them in between uses?

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  3. Thorkellsigcopie
    Pharmakeus Ubik  over 12 years ago

    She just sprays them with Fabreze™.

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  4. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago

    But does she reuse paper plates?

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    PoorPig  over 12 years ago

    Styrofoam cups are a bad idea for the environment, even when you only use them once.

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    lily245pj  over 12 years ago

    I hate styrofoam cups. Makes everything taste awful.

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    loveslife  over 12 years ago

    I wonder what else she reuses? Paper plates? EEEEWWWI took care of a elderly lady who did wash paper plates to use a second time. Set them in water long enough and they tear apart. Waiting more water and soap. Oh well she was set in her ways I guess we all are . Styrofoam?I don’t like either We use real plates and our trash can doesn’t fill up as fast.

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    Train 1911  over 12 years ago

    Guy jn blue shirt ready to throw up

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  9. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Then I suppose you won’t be asking how she knows how long it takes to air dry a freshly washed Q-tip?

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    mikie2  over 12 years ago

    Maybe she and Burl only flush on #2 and once a day on #1 to save water. (Or is it the other way around?)The Pennys do use compact fluorescents at home since the U-Stor-It uses them and that’s where they get their bulbs (and TP, paper towels, cleaning supplies, office supplies, etc. etc.)

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  11. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Lip stick is hard to get off Styrofoam cups…! ! !

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    dedgren  over 12 years ago

    I used to frequent a bar that reused paper plates. The owner would put a waxed napkin on the plate then the hamburger and chips. If the plate wasn’t stained he’d reuse it. Some of us regulars started writing dates on the bottom. The most I ever found were six dates.

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    I have toenails on my fingers!  over 12 years ago


    “even when you only use them once”

    What about if you buy a 144 pack and leave it in the pantry unopened?

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  14. Purrfectgivts avatar001
    Laura Gildwarg  over 12 years ago

    I’ve found a way to re-use much of the packing styrofoam we get from mail-order items: the flat bits I cut into cubes or rectangles, cover them with fabric printed in a very tiny Christmas calico, tie them with lengths of metallic plastic canvas cord or 1/8" satin ribbon so they look like wee little gifties, and then string them (corner to corner) on fishing line to make Christmas garland. The styrofoam ‘peanuts’ can be painted with acrylic paint and strung the same way, also for garland. Sometimes, while the paint is wet, I’ll toss on some glitter, and seal it with ModPodge. Looks quite nice, and keeps crap out of the land fills. I’ve sold many of these at craft shows, and people are always asking for more. Still haven’t figured out what to do with styrofoam cups, though — but we don’t buy them, so I guess the point is moot. BTW, I’ve found a way to reuse/upcycle water/soda bottles, too — the top bits I make either bells or the dress and body for little angels, the middle sections I colour and cut into strips to make beads (very carefully — it takes heat to do it) and the bottoms make wonderful ornaments, if you colour them with sharpie markers and stuff them with crinkled tin foil. As for the Pennys, well, I’d like to stuff the whole boilin’ lot of ’em with styrofoam and put them on display as a warning to decent folks about the perils of being ignorant AND stupid. >sigh<

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    coot31  over 12 years ago

    I’ve been to all day conferences and workshops where I used the same styrofoam cup throughout the day.I suspect that at home we all have quirky energy or money saving habits that we wouldn’t share with the general public. There’s a lot of prissy people with weak stomachs out there.

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  16. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago

    degren and dfowensby…. Ewwwwww!Two places I’d probably never eat again!

    Toenails….. I don’t use styrofoam, but somebody once left a package of styo cups at a picnic that I took home instead of tossing… not 144 but maybe 14 or 16 left in it….still in my cupboard someplace after about 10 years…I suppose using them or keeping them amounts to the same thing…they end up in the landfill.

    Purple… that’s my problem with your plan too….

    The decorations sound cute and clever, and my goodness, you make so much stuff!But some day they’ll still be landfill.I hope not till we figure out some way to actually destroy all that styrofoam and plastic…. but who knows, maybe next year.And by then it has paint and even more plastic added too.

    I TRY to just not buy it in the first place…but sometimes you have to.or it comes to you anyway.I’m not obsessive about it…. but I do worry about where it will all end up.

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Meanwhile….check out today’s *Windsock" Comic

    It features some of our own….including Burl and Joy in disguise.

    Yeah yeah…. and me, kinda…and …. well, go look!

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    solticeart  over 12 years ago

    so is the find it a joke this time? find what kind of glasses do we find? the kind ya drink from or wear? or the actual word glasses?.. you know I don’t usually read the comments on other cartoons unless I don’t understand a joke, but I read the comments on this one almost always. I like to hear or see what other people think of such stupid cheap people too.lolyou know whats really scary ? is there really are people like this out there for real!!! hows that a halloween horror for ya.

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  19. My eye
    vldazzle  over 12 years ago

    My everyday plates are pressed glass in red and clear because I bought them by dozens and they are safe in micro and dishwasher but I rinse immediately after eating and wash soon after-usually by hand and air dry. If I am doing a dishwasher load (every week or 2) then I may put some in that, but that depends on what else needs washing because I make most food from scratch and always wash any rubbermaid etc in the top and most big pans from cooking soups or beans in the bottom. My fancy dishes are only for special occasions and I usually hand wash all and hand dry.

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  20. My eye
    vldazzle  over 12 years ago

    I don’t use any disposable dishes or glasses and the packing stuff I find that the mailing stores (which also pack stuff for people) are happy to take my bags full of the stuff. At my old house I once made Christmas trees to attach to my front railings of sheet styrofoam (spray painted green with garlands and small ornaments and lights) I used for at least a few years before I sold that house.

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    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I’ve done that before. Kind of cool.

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