This might work.
If Mr. O can do what you claim then he deserves four more years to continue doing it!
denis1112 and whmlll – Please stop watching FOX news so much. Next, you’ll think Obama is actually CHINESE KENYAN!
And what you wrote, denis1112, has NO basis in reality…
Obama is an Arab with no birth certificate or college records that practices colonial Kenyaism. I know that’s true because Mush Dimbulb told me so.
Dana Summers
April 03, 2015
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
This might work.
einarbt7 over 12 years ago
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
If Mr. O can do what you claim then he deserves four more years to continue doing it!
madvirgo over 12 years ago
denis1112 and whmlll – Please stop watching FOX news so much. Next, you’ll think Obama is actually CHINESE KENYAN!
And what you wrote, denis1112, has NO basis in reality…
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
Obama is an Arab with no birth certificate or college records that practices colonial Kenyaism. I know that’s true because Mush Dimbulb told me so.