Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for October 09, 2012
GIrl: Oh, LOOK-- Here comes a fur-bearing, open-mouth-panting as he or she walks, tail-wagging, tongue-wagging, four legged living organism. Nancy: That's my DOG. Girl: "DOG"? How DARE you be so INSENSITIVE to call that BEING a "DOG"-- He or she will be in THERAPY for years. Nancy: See you later, POLITICAL-LY CORRECT POLLY.
TooOldToBeCool over 12 years ago
New character?
Buzza Wuzza over 12 years ago
My buddy’s wife kept their ancient dog alive even though it needed two shots of medicine from a needle daily, was blind and deaf and had to be carried around on a big pillow outside to do his business. And get this, my buddy was allergic to the thing! When the dog mercifully, finally went, she wanted to go the pound that day to get another dog and he said if she did he wanted a divorce. Anybody got a story to top that?
Buzza Wuzza over 12 years ago
Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention the insane vet bills she piled up month after month on her credit cards keeping the poor thing alive.
JezzVimSr over 12 years ago
Buzza Wuzza – Your story sounds like my sister. One dog had kidney failure, she racked up thousands of dollars in vet bills and meds. Another dog had diabetes, more vet bills and meds. Shame, but they are her best friends.
w2lj over 12 years ago
I like Polly’s shirt. That was my Dad’s motto – he never threw anything out!
Zaristerex over 12 years ago
Don’t call him a dog… he’s a furry-American. JK.
GuyGilchrist over 12 years ago
All this week we’ll be paying tribute to Ernie Bushmiller with some "Here comes…( that new kid)…jokes! Love Ernie and how he’d think of anything for a gag!
RetroJenny over 12 years ago
Dogs are people too, well, at least mine are. LOL
iced tea over 12 years ago
Does this Polly character think dog is racist or something? Poochie is a sweet little thing. Look how he and Nancy love each other.
SusanCraig over 12 years ago
I like the one about the insomniac dyslexic agnostic who laid awake all night pondering the existence of dog
axel over 2 years ago
We get it, you think not being allowed to say slurs means it’s a slippery slope to not being allowed to talk at all.