“This silly myth pops up periodically, and it is absolutely unfounded,” responded rice expert Mary Jo Cheesman at the USA Rice Federation. Many migrating ducks and geese depend on winter-flooded rice fields each year to fatten up and build strength for their return trek to northern nesting grounds. Read more at http://www.snopes.com
James Hopkins over 12 years ago
Those rice bags are pretty heavy she must’ve been working out in her free time just for this moment.
ladyellen2 over 12 years ago
Rice kills birds……it is better to throw birdseed now.
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
Someone should’ve told him to cancel her CostCo card.
LingeeWhiz over 12 years ago
“This silly myth pops up periodically, and it is absolutely unfounded,” responded rice expert Mary Jo Cheesman at the USA Rice Federation. Many migrating ducks and geese depend on winter-flooded rice fields each year to fatten up and build strength for their return trek to northern nesting grounds. Read more at http://www.snopes.com
Mneedle over 12 years ago
I like rice. And I am not a bird.
battle of plattsburgh over 12 years ago
How thoughtful of her to bring enough for everyone.
oldpine52 over 12 years ago
In cajan country those bags of rice would be concidered a wedding present.
Captain Kitten Bonkers over 12 years ago
Who is saying the line “It looks like his ex-wife snuck into the receiving line”? Is his ex-wife on stilts?