FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for January 06, 2010
Woman: Mr. Fox, what's this?! Roger: Um, a pencil? Woman: It's a No. 2 1/2 pencil. To be precise. I found it on your desk. Roger: I like No 2 1/2 pencils so what? Woman: Mr. Fox, I've checked and no one else in this department uses No 2 1/2 pencils. Efficiency demands that all pencils in this office to be the same and purchased in bulk. Your little pencil indulgence is unnecessarily costing this company pennies each month, pennies! Let's pick this up later. Your boss is treating me to lunch at the Ritz in 10 minutes. Roger: About your "one paper cup for the week" policy...
ejcapulet about 15 years ago
If he buys his own pencils, it means he’s saving the companies dollars a month on pencils. Hah!
BigChiefDesoto about 15 years ago
All too typical a company, unfortunately!
LibrarianInTraining about 15 years ago
ejcapulet, took the words right out of my mouth. The “bulk buy” pens at my office suck. So I bring my own fine points from home. They inevitably get stolen, so now I keep them in my purse, type whatever I need, and just use the pen to sign things.
DolphinGirl78 about 15 years ago
Don’t you just love hypocrisy in the morning???
bradwilliams about 15 years ago
Does he work at US Bank?
Ray_C about 15 years ago
To bluetopazcrystal from yesterday: Sometimes we don’t know another person’s situation or job duties.
kab2rb about 15 years ago
With my pt job. I shuffle a lot of paper, catch a lot of signatures, and also have a spell check on word or outlook. On go comics site there is no spell check. I am n executive. I only gave a samp of my work. Place only cut back on ppr not clps or bndr for scann. (I did this on purpose to a response yesterday)
gopuppy about 15 years ago
kab2rb - If you were using a Mac you would have spell check on all web pages.
But I’m sure your company saves lots buying PC’s instead of Macs - I’m sure they standardize on one type of pencil as well :-)
Ed in Toledo Premium Member about 15 years ago
@kab2rb I thought you were eliminating unnecessary letters in order to save pixels and money.
This sounds like the last company I worked at - they’d agonize over pennies while letting dollars slip away without a care.
kab2rb about 15 years ago
I work pt at the county I would never use gocomics at work. I do not have a MAC computer. I was responding to yesterday’s and today’s strip which I know is suppose to be funny and an old strip, but it is almost current to what some business and county faces over sever budgets cuts. The county not only agonizes over pennies and small stuff but major items and big budgets. Where I work at workers higher in authority have never PC then I. I :( have to share ws. I didn’t think commentors like long explantions like DT gets.
kab2rb about 15 years ago
Thanks for making :).
Ravoria about 15 years ago
I’d like to see her whine when the boss orders a medium drink… But I know its not ot be
Ray_C about 15 years ago
kab2rb: I do get spell check on these comments. I’m using Firefox. That may be the reason. Maybe if you’re using IE, you wouldn’t get it.
1148559 about 15 years ago
I also have a PC and use Firefox… I love the built in spell checker.
Opus51 about 15 years ago
I remember this strip from the first time around, but I must not have been paying attention. I always thought the stuff around her hairline was a headband, but it’s her hair, isn’t it?