FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for January 08, 2010
Roger: What is this?! Woman: The centerpiece of my efficiency review. I've noticed that when you and your staff work on the computer, your legs are unoccupied. If we could train your people to type with their feet on a second keyboard, we could lay off half your staff with no loss in productivity. Of course, if we double peoples' workloads, we'd probably have to give them 10 percent raises... Roger: Why do I keep thinking today is April 1? Woman: You know, my last clients eye had that exact same twitch.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ about 15 years ago
The boss would love that idea. Then they could put a pencil in the worker’s mouth and have ‘em use that!
napaeric about 15 years ago
Monkeys can do keyboards, but of course we don’t have many monkeys. We do have lots of humans, they can keyboard. If only we could figure out how to do business letters with a game controller. “The Business” game, wow.
Colt9033 about 15 years ago
Jason sorta looks like her. Maybe their related some how.
auricle about 15 years ago
How much money would they save by getting rid of her?
briankblough about 15 years ago
Why not put all the workers on exercise bikes, and connect the bikes to generators? Then, the workers could be producing the electricity needed to run their computers! (I didn’t REALLY just suggest that, did I?) <:-)
kab2rb about 15 years ago
Comments you are so funny. Where I work at County is trying to reduce paperwork and trim budgets. I wonder if bosses know there is a new computer coming don’t know when voice activated. Instead of a secretary or the boss typing correspondences themselves voice activated. My husband read about this in the paper long time ago. I found out how to do spell check and I don’t have a MAC. Wish I thought of this before. Certain commenters wouldn’t complain.
Takiniteasy about 15 years ago
We had an efficiency expert at a place where I once worked and changes were made to the way we did things, but within a couple of months after they left we were doing things the old way again. And our management was ok with that. Seems the most efficient thing to do would have been to cancel the experts in the first place …
jules1021 about 15 years ago
About the generators – they could have a simple treadle – like on an old, old sewing machine – and the peons could just treaddle away while doing their work and produce their own electricity. If your bulb is dim, the slavemaster knows you’re not working hard enuf.
Rakkav about 15 years ago
What is her success rate, and what is she succeeding at?
Ravoria about 15 years ago
I just LOVE the expressions ;)
napaeric about 15 years ago
Why do so many government documents have a page to tell us about the paper work reduction act. Doesn’t that just waste paper?
tsandl about 15 years ago
Gweedo Murray said: “Using game controllers would see a massive influx of ten year olds into the work force. Time to change those child labor laws…”
Now that I think about it, if you handed all the major corporations over to ten year olds and told them it was some kind of Sim game, they’d probably fix the economy.
Ravoria about 15 years ago
Sophar_the_barbarian about 8 years ago
April Fools day! He thinks its April first and April first is APRIL FOOLS day