Both my parents were psychologists. Now that must be a very low pay career because I couldn’t get a dime out of either of them.They did however give me every book I wanted and taught me how to earn my way through college and grad school. Cheapskates!
Plods with ...™ about 15 years ago
As with all males
lewisbower about 15 years ago
Both my parents were psychologists. Now that must be a very low pay career because I couldn’t get a dime out of either of them.They did however give me every book I wanted and taught me how to earn my way through college and grad school. Cheapskates!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Sam, you’re not making yourself look very smart here.
Stephen Beals creator about 15 years ago
I’m the hard-nose with the kids. My wife can be worn down in about three or four “Please!” demands. What a softy ….