Ginge is 12 years old - but you must remember, his teacher is a bit loopy. Mr. Canehard doesn’t like to make it easy for these poor kids - but Ginge doesn’t make it easy for him either!
PS - If you ever like a Ginger Meggs strip, you can always hit “share” - or order one of your very own signed prints at:
Ginger Meggs about 15 years ago
In two days’ time. But there’s a funny little story tomorrow…
joefish25 about 15 years ago
jason, your collective noun names are hilarious. thanks for the reminder, joe
okaythen about 15 years ago
Little Ginger looks so much like his Mum, no wonder he is constantly getting hassled at school
amingv about 15 years ago
I take it that Aggie ultimately didn’t let Ginge borrow her notes yesterday.
And buy one get one free on the “wisdom phrase”, too:
-“Home schooled? You’re always first in line for lunch.” -“Don’t believe everything you read. Except this.”
Ginger Meggs almost 15 years ago
Ginge is 12 years old - but you must remember, his teacher is a bit loopy. Mr. Canehard doesn’t like to make it easy for these poor kids - but Ginge doesn’t make it easy for him either!
Ginger Meggs almost 15 years ago
PS - If you ever like a Ginger Meggs strip, you can always hit “share” - or order one of your very own signed prints at: