Garfield by Jim Davis for November 20, 2012

  1. Hp 2
    sonytv  about 12 years ago

    1st comment!

    So true, so true. It’s like taking the meat away from a lion

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  2. Snoopy rides again
    The#1BoiseStateFan  about 12 years ago

    Ugh, Cannibal, Garfield would pry eat CATburger

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 12 years ago

    just can’t win, can you, Jon Arbuckle?

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    codycab  about 12 years ago

    But it is healthy to surrender your food to Garfield.

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    Can't Sleep  about 12 years ago

    Y’know, I had a cat like that.Come to think of it, I had a girlfriend like that.

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    Llewellenbruce  about 12 years ago

    Keep it up Garfield and one of these daysJon will have you declawed.

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  7. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  about 12 years ago

    In the last panel, Jon looks worse off than Calvin after being mauled by Hobbes.

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  8. Opus45
    poppy1313  about 12 years ago

    Just think what would have happened if it had been lasagna

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  9. Grumpy oogie
    nyoha  about 12 years ago

    Rasins, spinach, carrots, cabbage, and lettuce.

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    germanvisitor  about 12 years ago

    Why is he still eating at home?

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  11. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 12 years ago



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  12. Cernunnosherne
    Mitchtheone  about 12 years ago

    Well there is that too. One should never poke the carnivore when it can get close to you….

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  13. Imgres
    calvinsfriend110  about 12 years ago

    I can Haz Cheezburger?

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  14. Popeyesforearm image
    Popeyesforearm  about 12 years ago

    Come on Garfield lets go for a drive in the country…

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  15. Id
    da11a5  about 12 years ago

    Fat A$$

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    Karaboo2  about 12 years ago

    Give him the soyburgers Jon and save the real meat for us.

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    cbrsarah  about 12 years ago

    RE: second panel. That’s a really ridiculous statement considering that dog food is made from the same foods we eat with the added nutrients that are specific to dogs and cats. Let’s face it, cornmeal isn’t exactly in the wild either. Which may explain a few food allergies some dogs have.

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    thomright  about 12 years ago

    25 comment!:ooo john got powned

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    miry85  about 12 years ago

    How can I shaw garfield today’s comic on fb?

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    miry85  about 12 years ago

    How can I share garfield today’s comics on facebook?

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  21. White
    DM9001  about 5 years ago

    Jon became people food after that.

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