Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for February 14, 2009

  1. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  about 16 years ago

    Ronald Reagan set that up for them. W arranged debt for Clayton’s Great Grandkids.

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  2. S731122099 1068302 6899
    bluetopazcrystal  about 16 years ago

    OMG you’re blaming Obama? W put the country so far into debt it’ll take decades to dig out.

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  3. Images
    The Duke 1  about 16 years ago

    gee, bluetopazcrystal WHO had control of the House AND Senate? Gee It wasn’t W. He couldn’t appropriate enough money to buy bubble gum. You libs ALWAYS seem to forget that ONE TINY detail! It was Oblahblah and his cronies that MADE Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae give loans to people who couldn’t afford them. No go away. I want to enjoy the comics, NOT your claptrap!

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  4. S731122099 1068302 6899
    bluetopazcrystal  about 16 years ago

    Parson1 /Exactly! And looking for WOMD that were never there. He should be tried for war crimes.

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  5. Melany jun 2006
    ImMelany  about 16 years ago

    The president can only SUGGEST a budget. Congress decides what really goes and doesn’t. And the President cannot keep a war going without Congressional approval, either. Stop blaming presidents for what Congress does. They gave themselves fat raises, do not depend on Social Security, and have large staffs that are very well paid by the government, not by the Senators and Representatives themselves. If their staffs’ pay came out of there personal money, they would not be so large… and probably more efficient. Now… on with the comics. :-)

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  6. Bettyadams02
    BettyAdams  about 16 years ago

    People, people, people, Could we just keep the politics to the “serious” comics where they belong and just enjoy this for what it is, a cute funny strip about a family, without all the griping. Remember, if you can’t say something nice…

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