Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for April 12, 2009
Adam: Honey, where are my keys? Laura: I told you to put them in the same spot every time you come in. Adam: Pfft! There's no challenge in that. Laura: Yeah, but you'll have less stress. Adam: But honey, little mental challenges are what keep me sharp... How do you think I keep one step ahead of my competition? My IQ is off the mind is like a steel trap...with wits that are razor thought process is like a... Katy: Mom? Laura: Yes, honey? Katy: Why are daddy's keys in the pretzel bag?
The Duke 1 almost 16 years ago
Yeah, a nice rusty trap!!
serenasakitty almost 16 years ago
Katie’s timing isn’t the best.
ejcapulet almost 16 years ago
If he’s so clever, why does he have to ask where he put his keys?
sarge112751 almost 16 years ago
(It’s a “guy-thing” - like women do the “do I look FAT in this?” thing!)
bald almost 16 years ago
putting the keys in the same place all the time would make sense ,but adam is too smart to do something like that .. just ask him
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Like a steel trap, huh, Adam?
Geraint0808 almost 16 years ago
Thats the reason why Bush could’nt find any WMDs!!