Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for October 27, 2012
Rip: The beasts are going to wait us out! This is the big finish... unless- Maybe this cave has a back door? RJ: The odds on that are 1 in impossible. Rip: Don't get all science-y on me, kid! RJ: And if it's a dead end? Rip: Would you rather suffocate underground or get torn apart by ravening beasts? Misty: Hey gang, let's get spelunking!
johnrussco over 12 years ago
Rip has a plan, and still wins the race; I hope!
punchydugan over 12 years ago
Has anyone else noticed how extra good the art has been lately? I have always liked Mr. Thompson’s work but as of late the strip has been showing a number of “WOW” days.PS: Still want to know if this flash forward of two years is the new normal.
Bob. over 12 years ago
I haven’t spellunked in a long time.