Ralston: Say, Cap - how come I never see you in your secret identity? Captain Victory: You could've seen me hundreds of times and just never recognized me. Ralston: Oh, come on! I highly doubt you could ever be that... Oh my gosh, that's incredible!!!
knight1192a about 12 years ago
For decades. Though there are explinations why it worked of Superman so well. As Clark he speaks in a slightly different voice, looses the curly que, wears glasses, slumps to look shorter, and wears slightly baggy suits to look overweight. Past explinations have included being able to compress his spine to become physically shorter and having had super hypnosis. Though Luthor said it best when he had a super computer deduce that Clark Kent was really Superman. Anybody with those god like powers would never settle for being mild mannered (in otherwords no one could believe Superman is Clark Kent, especially not Lex Luthor).
Kaywest about 12 years ago
Didn’t Silver-Age Superman have some sort of hypnotic power through his eyes, thus making him able to appear completely ordinary to his co-workers?
Perhaps our Cap just deals with morons? It has to work almost the same way, right?
lunatic03867 about 12 years ago
Another explanation was that as Superman, he would vibrate his head so cameras couldn’t get a good picture.
Michelle Morris about 12 years ago
Of course,Batman wears a cowl,so it’s kinda easier for him to get away with the secret identity thing than Supes. Superman actually has to be a better actor. It’s not just the costume, it’s about fully embodying the persona of a regular,mild-mannered guy in speech,temperment,body posturing,etc.