Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for December 23, 2012
Mr. Negato: I'm Captain Victorious,and I'm a big stupid idiot! Is there no one who can stop my reign of insanity? I, Mr. Negato, shall end your abuse of logic and mangling of the English language! List to that echo! I'll bet I could fit my entire living room set in that cavern! Ooh! That looks complicated, Captain. Do you even think you can operate it? Captain Victory: I doubt it! I can barely understand what you're saying! Mr. Negato: Well, give it your best, you sub-human...Stupid action figures... wap! wap! wap! ping! owww!!!!
phillip_carr about 12 years ago
thats his version of the Red Rider bb gun. You’ll put your eye out.
williamh31980 about 12 years ago
Toys with projectiles have/had to go through the “foil test” to determine if the power of the spring loaded projectile is/was too strong…