Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for February 25, 2013
Fritz: Bixby, someone said you bit them? Bixby: Relax, Fritz. It's just my side business. Fritz: You're selling rat bites? Bixby: I'm selling self-esteem! It's all part of my new diet craze. I give them a debilitating disease and the pounds just melt away! Here, take a pamphlet. Fritz: "Plagued by fat? Plague it back - with bubonics!" Bixby: And we've got a surprisingly low death rate.
knight1192a almost 12 years ago
Got news for ya, Bixby, you don’t have to bite folks for this diet of yours. Just manage to get your fleas to transfer to them.
echoraven almost 12 years ago
“bubonics”, simply awesome!
fishbulb239 almost 12 years ago
Given the popularity of such things as Botox and the Atkins Diet, I wouldn’t be surprised if using the plague to lose weight became a fad.
Keith Messamer almost 12 years ago
Hooked on Bubonics really worked for me!