Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for October 05, 2013

  1. 260493 10150222218578010 542938009 7222366 3346839 n
    tryoung71  over 11 years ago

    Wrong. The usage shown is correct. “Gives his likeness to HIM” or “Gives his likeness to HE”? Use ‘whom’ in place of ‘him’ or ‘her’. Use ‘who’ in place of ‘he’ or ‘she’. Therefore, “Gives his likeness to WHOMever” is correct.

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  2. Hellcat
    knight1192a  over 11 years ago

    I was recently watching an episode of Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman and almost this same thing happened. Superman and some looser get struck by lightning and the looser ended up with Superman’s powers and started charging people to save them. Only difference was Superman still had his powers at the same time.

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