Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for November 28, 2013
Boy: This re-education class is ridiculous! I'm "Haskell the Rascal"! I'm supposed to be an out of control brat! When did that stop being adorable! Moxie Gumption: I don't know... Boy: I was an unholy little terror and they loved me for it! I gave the people what they wanted! But do I get an award? A balloon in a parade? A star in the sidewalk? No, you know what I get? Moxie: What? Boy: A prescription of Ritalin and a social worker! Moxie: Ooh, "extra tantrum control"!
knight1192a about 11 years ago
So typical of today education system. If he kid seem out of control, drug ‘em. It’ll make it easier on the teacher if their drugged out of their gourd. If they day dream they must have ADD, and how do you deal with ADD Drug ’em.
I’d never survive elementary and probably high school today with the way I was in elementary and a few high school classes without being diagnosed as having ADD and having someone try suggesting some drugs being prescribed. I was a day dreamer. Why? Because the way they tended to teach was so boring that unless was interested in the subject I didn’t want to pay attention really. I got to high school and I had a number of teachers who made what they taught interesting that I really wanted to pay attention. But today it would just be soooooo much easier to diagnose me with ADD nd drug me than to admit that maybe i’s the curriculum and how its taught that is the problem. When you’re boring the kids to death, do you really think their going to want to pay attention?
Dampwaffle about 11 years ago
I like the Dennis the Menace clone. The girl looks more like Little Annie Roonie than Little Orphan Annie, though.