Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for February 23, 2014
Bixby: I love it when dogs walk around carrying stuff! They always look so proud and excited to have this thing in their mouth, like they need it for an important MEETING or something. But, at the same time, there's a dignity to it, like exercising their animal natures. I mean, how else would a dog carry its possessions? Oh, Fritz... Fritz: What? It's practical!!
ickymudd almost 11 years ago
A rabbit and weasel talking about what other animals do, is strange. My doG is smarter. He makes me carry his stuff for him. Water,brush,treats.check,lets go.
Chrisstopher almost 11 years ago
Nice artwork on the dogs!
sbchamp almost 11 years ago
No haz saddlebags?
nighthawkbill almost 11 years ago
@Doh…It’s not a weasel, it’s a rat. You need to read this strip more often.