Captain Victorious: You want some of this?! How about you?! Need a little over there? Well, don't worry... there's plenty to go around!! Man, I can't imagine how boring it must be to use a microwave...
I would hate to be the one to explain the difference of radio active cooking to radio wave cooking to the Captain.
Impressive use of heat vision btw. Being able to hit the entire meal, and also control it to not burn the outside as well.
The fries are probably crisper too.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
I would hate to be the one to explain the difference of radio active cooking to radio wave cooking to the Captain.
Tue Elung-Jensen over 10 years ago
Impressive use of heat vision btw. Being able to hit the entire meal, and also control it to not burn the outside as well.
Dr_Fogg over 10 years ago
The fries are probably crisper too.