Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for December 21, 2018
tyr: A flagon of mead!! man: Sorry. I gotta cut you off, pal. tyr: Cut me off Why? Man: you've had, like, twenty five flagons. tyr: Bah! twenty five flagons wouldn't get an infant drunk where I come from! man: As wonderful as the land of drunken infants sounds, you can't have any mead. how's club soda? Tyr: Can I have it in a flagon?
Nachikethass about 6 years ago
Methinks a urinal beckons!
whahoppened about 6 years ago
And please pick one that isn’t clogged.
whahoppened about 6 years ago
Just remembering on ‘Dilbert’ a few years ago, the office robot that had to turn himself into a urinal. Funny!
Milady Meg about 6 years ago
Sheldon had “Fun with Flags.” If Tyr sobers up, he can do a “Fun with Flagons” vlog.
jmcenanly about 6 years ago
How is he paying for all this mead?
WCraft Premium Member about 6 years ago
Egg nog maybe?
DCBakerEsq about 6 years ago
Dilly! Dilly!
buckman-j about 6 years ago
Per Danny Kaye in the Court Jester, the flagon with the dragon holds the poison, so watch out Sven
knight1192a about 6 years ago
Tyr would rather have the kind of flagon, well drinking horn, Utgard-Loki had Thor drink from. Only he’d prefer it were connected to a dozen 500 gal vats of mead rather than the ocean.