You should be allowed to make as much money as you are willing to work for. Tax breaks don’t give you more money they just let you keep more of what you earned. After they determine how much money you can have, they will decide how long you can live. Oh that’s right Obama care has already determined that.
If all of the politicians would take a big cut in their huge paychecks, then that would help cut down on our deficit, and people on fixed income could even get a decent cost of living increase..LOL but of course, that’s not going to happen.
I can’t wait until this election is over but my humble opinion is that it’s fair that people are taxed at a percentage. No one should be able to complain that the more you make the more you’re taxed because everyone gets the same percentage.
Forgot to add – about politicians not having their big fancy parties & luxurious vacations at taxpayers expense – especially the President. Also the retirement pay – Ridiculous. Why can’t they get jobs – IF there’s any available, just like everyone else, when they’re out of office. Some past presidents didn’t get the huge paycheck as retirement. Then there’s the expense of all the security even after the Pres. is out of office. All of that really adds up. God Bless America, may Old Glory continue to fly free & may our Constitutional Rights be Upheld !
bluskies over 12 years ago
Truer words were never spoken.
jmo328 over 12 years ago
You should be allowed to make as much money as you are willing to work for. Tax breaks don’t give you more money they just let you keep more of what you earned. After they determine how much money you can have, they will decide how long you can live. Oh that’s right Obama care has already determined that.
kkgenesis over 12 years ago
If all of the politicians would take a big cut in their huge paychecks, then that would help cut down on our deficit, and people on fixed income could even get a decent cost of living increase..LOL but of course, that’s not going to happen.
QuietStorm27 over 12 years ago
I can’t wait until this election is over but my humble opinion is that it’s fair that people are taxed at a percentage. No one should be able to complain that the more you make the more you’re taxed because everyone gets the same percentage.
kkgenesis over 12 years ago
Forgot to add – about politicians not having their big fancy parties & luxurious vacations at taxpayers expense – especially the President. Also the retirement pay – Ridiculous. Why can’t they get jobs – IF there’s any available, just like everyone else, when they’re out of office. Some past presidents didn’t get the huge paycheck as retirement. Then there’s the expense of all the security even after the Pres. is out of office. All of that really adds up. God Bless America, may Old Glory continue to fly free & may our Constitutional Rights be Upheld !
cbrsarah over 12 years ago
Socialism isn’t any better than capitalism. If anything it’s worse.
cfrosenlof about 12 years ago
Amen! Well said!