On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for October 27, 2012

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    doctorlev  over 12 years ago

    Actually, the first laws regulating the activities of Unions here in Italy were made by Mussolini (although joining those unions was compulsory and they were mostly directed by the party).

    Anyway, today’s strip is a bit outdated.

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    Lubigno42  over 12 years ago

    so sad but so true…

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  3. Amaryllis 004
    Jolly1995  over 12 years ago

    Oh, just like here!

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    jackamoney  over 12 years ago

    we need balance between labor in management. Both sides abuse the power

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  5. Froggy ico
    lbatik  over 12 years ago

    Not accurate at all; I’m disappointed in the cartoonist, here.

    Now, if they were talking about France….

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    georgelcsmith  over 12 years ago

    That’s just a bit over the top. Margret Thatcher might have fired some people for going on strike, but she would not have had them shot.

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