It seems Miss Brown falls short of the Boss’s “perky” expectations….. butt the jokes on her, as she will find out that the term “brown nosing” means something entirely different when Bob starts putting his nose into her “business”….. M-m-m-m-mocha…!!!!
John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator over 12 years ago
Here’s the link to the original art.
margueritem over 12 years ago
At least we have that all straight right at the start.
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
Brown nosing always was a head above brown facing.
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
Bob, future president. Ella, secretary of state.
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
he has the boss’ butt. she has his back.
Steve Bartholomew over 12 years ago
One guess who gets paid more.
Veridian over 12 years ago
And the BOSS is tryin’ to cop a Feel too!
el8 over 12 years ago
The difference between brown nosing and ass kissing? Depth perception.
J Short over 12 years ago
Looks like the boss will lend a hand.Her cup runneth over.
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
So many inappropriate comments, so many nannybots
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
It seems Miss Brown falls short of the Boss’s “perky” expectations….. butt the jokes on her, as she will find out that the term “brown nosing” means something entirely different when Bob starts putting his nose into her “business”….. M-m-m-m-mocha…!!!!
djourdanpereira over 12 years ago
Love the way Sheriff Monkeyblues thinks!
StewS2 about 12 years ago
In the original dialog, does the last sentence sound like it’s Yoda talking? Or did I just watch too many Star Wars movies over the weekend?