Free Range by Bill Whitehead for November 01, 2012

  1. Train 9
    gordrogb Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Someone proposed that we build one new nuclear plant, get it approved, and then build exact duplicates of that plant in other places. That way, approvals would not be necessary. Sound good on paper.

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  2. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    uhhhhhh…….. hey Dumb A__ those are natural draft cooling towers not reactor containment buildings. Common mistake after all the coverage of Three Mile Island. All power plant use these or other cooling means; coal, gas, nuclear, bio-mass, etc.

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    hippogriff  over 12 years ago

    joe: Right. Heat pollution can be as bad as other forms in the narrow environment of the discharge basin.

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  4. Train 9
    gordrogb Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Always amazes me that lots of folks get killed or injured in coal mines, gas and oil wells etc over the years, but as far as I know, there never has been one fatality linked to the nuclear production. Am I wrong on that?

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    hippogriff  over 12 years ago

    Roger: Three were killed in the explosion of the Fermi fast-breeder reactor outside of Detroit. They are still dying from Chernobyl. They are just starting to die from Fukushima. Cancer and birth defects (and following deaths) jumped after the “non-event” at Three Mile Island. Most US nuclear plants are of identical design to Fukushima, made by GE. Every time there is a problem, the NRC raises their tolerances. A cap on damages is still stuck at a half billion dollars (almost reached with Three Mile Island, exceeded by today’s dollar) and the government provides most of the insurance for that. Otherwise, it would be economically unfeasible. It exists solely to provide weapon-grade uranium and plutonium, even thoughe there is already too much of each.

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